
Tibet -a land so rich in Culture, tradition and steeped in religion along the far flung unique landscape, also called the roof of the world. Let the age old Tibetan Myths & mysteries cast and enchanted spell that holds an every visitor in thrill and excitement. The tour begins with a comprehensive trip briefing in Kathmandu followed by a sensational trans Himalayan flight to Lhasa that passes over Mt. Everest and many highest peaks of the world (if you join the tour in Kathmandu). This is the only flight fly over Mt. Everest and other highest peaks. In case you wish to start the tour in Lhasa arriving from anywhere in mainland China or taking a new train from Beijing you will be briefed about the tour by your Tibetan Guide

Upon your arrival you will drive to Lhasa, you will be taken on a sightseeing tour to Lhasa visiting major Palaces, monasteries, acclimatizing & to absorb the exoticism of Tibetan heritage & to explore this history – Laden city to its core. In route you will visit ancient town of Gyantse, Shigatse and many other cities. You get to explore colorful mosaic of Tibetan arts, crafts, history, culture, custom, tradition, lifestyle and cuisine and you become a witness to a host of indigenous cultures including untamed (drokpas) nomads en-route driving through highest Plate on Earth.

The trek from Kharta to Khangsung, the eastern face of Mt. Everest, is one of the most magical lands in the world and only a few people are aware of trekking in Kharta Valley. This isolated region along with Mt. Everest contains the jagged Himalayan range of Makalu, to the North and East lies the arid Tibetan Plateau. The region is famous for its pristine wilderness, beautiful lakes and superb views of Mt. Makalu, Mt. Karma Changri (6289m) along with the enormous Khangsung glacier hanging from the East face of the Mt. Everest. The trek passes through several verdant tiny valleys and beautiful lakes along the way. The starting point of this trek is Kharta valley which is situated 140 kilometer south-east from Xegar/Shekar. Xegar/Shekar is situated on friendship highway and it is one of the gateways to the Everest region. This is a real journey into central Tibet, the land of Lamas, nomads in yak-hair tents, and herds of yaks roaming the countryside, spectacular, snow-topped peaks and the astonishing, lively Tibetans. From Kharta valley we trek ahead to Kangshung face via Kamma valley. Kamma valley offers views of such giants as Makalu, Chomo Lonzo, Pethangtse, Lhotse and Mt. Everest itself. This is approaching the highest trekking territory on earth, with passes getting up to 6000 meters. Langma La, at a height of 5320 meters, is the highest point we will encounter on this amazing trek. The view from this point on a clear day is unparalleled in its beauty. Dozens of vast snow covered peaks including Makalu, Lhotse Shar, Lhotse and Mount Everest can be seen to the south. Below the snowline of these massive peaks lie valleys and ridges bountifully covered with various grasses and thick vegetation. Observing the mighty Everest from east as well as the north face is the charm of this trekking. Further drive across the wide open spaces of the Tibetan Plateau takes taking off the main highway toward Rongbuk. Finally visit Rongbuk Monastery and view the spectacular sight of Everest & further drive to border, cross border and drive to Kathmandu. This is truly the trip of a lifetime with stunning scenery and cultural highlights.

18 Nights 19 Days 28 Jul, 29 Jul, 30 Jul, and more
What we'll give. What we won't

What is included in the tour

  • All accommodation in twin sharing room on BB basis as per the itinerary in Tibetan cities.
  • All tented accommodation in twin sharing and fully camping arrangement ( Cook, tent, Kitchen tent, mattress, table chair, toilet tent)
  • All meals : Breakfast, Lunch, dinner, snack/tea/coffee during camping
  • All necessary camping equipments
  • English speaking Tibetan Guide.
  • Transportation as per the itinerary by Necessary Vehicle
  • Tibet Travel permit
  • Rongbuk Entry Fee & Everest Conservation Fee.
  • All entrance fees of Temples and Monasteries during sightseeing as per the itinerary.
  • All necessary entrance permits during trekking as per the itinerary
  • Emergency oxygen cylinder during the trip outline Lhasa
  • Yak and Yak herder as per the necessary
  • Trip briefing by Tibet expert & entertain question.
  • Trip Information pack.
  • Gift pack (prayer flag or string of flag & paper prayer Lungtha).


Note: Offer Prayer flag or Lungtha (string of prayer flag) in high passes, temple for good fortune & long life.


What is NOT included in the tour

  • Tibet Visa Fee (Acceptable in US$ cash only as per the Nationality).
  • Any airfare. Kathmandu – Lhasa – Kathmandu (Fare as per the availability)
  • Travel insurance covers rescue operation
  • Expenses during any rescue operation.
  • Lunch and Dinner in the cities except during camping
  • Alcoholic beverages & bar bills.
  • All expenses of personal nature, phone calls, laundry etc.
  • Gratuity to staff.
  • Hiring personal Yak & Horses
  • Additional portable oxygen cylinder.
  • Services not mentioned herein.





What makes this tour special
  • One hour Trans-Himalaya flight and breath taking aerial view of Everest and other highest peaks.
  • Visit of ancient Palace of Dalai Lama, largest structure built in Red hill of Lhasa  
  • Monk Debating one of the practice in School of Buddhism at Sera Monastery
  • Jokhang temple, the most sacred holy Temple of Tibetan people
  • Barkhor local market & Drepung Monastery
  • Visit Khumbum Temple to see 1000 statues of Protector God, Pelkhor Chode Monastery
  • Visit Tashilumpho Monastery
  • Rongbuk Monastery located in the highest elevation of 5000m and Everest Base camp(north face).
  • Kharta and Khansung valley trek, one of the remote section of Everest area, Tibetan believes there is hidden Shangri-la (Khempaling) in remote section and most beautiful trekking section of Tibet
  • Opportunity to encounter with high altitude wildlife animals. 






Outline Itinerary



Fly to Gongkar airport and drive to Lhasa.

Hotel (BB)


Sightseeing tour of Drepung Monastery, Jokhang Temple & Barkhor Market.

Hotel (BB)


Sightseeing tour of Potala Palace and Sera Monastery

Hotel (BB)


Drive to Shigatse via Gyantse & Yamdrok Lake. Visit Khumbum & Pelkhor Stupa

Hotel Gessar (BB)


Drive to Old Tingri

Hotel Khangar (BB)


Drive to Kharta Village Camp 140km, 5 hrs:

Camping  (AP)


Trek to meadow camp (4160m/13,645ft):

Camping  (AP)


Trek to Kaamo Tsangpo valley via Shao La (4000m/13,120)

Camping  (AP)


Trek Kaamo Tsangpo Valley – Shalung Tsho (4420m/14,498ft):

Camping  (AP)


Trek to Pethang Ringmo (4820m/15810ft):

Camping  (AP)


Trek Pethang Ringmo – Kangshung Everest base Camp (5090m/ 16,695ft):

Camping  (AP)


Trek to the base of Langma La (4800m/15,744ft):

Camping  (AP)


Trek Langma La – Shomale (4160m/13,645ft)

Camping  (AP)


Trek to Kharta

Camping  (AP)


Drive to Rongbuk/Everest Base Camp [5020m/16,466ft), 150km, 5 hrs:

Guest House (BB)


Drive to Rongbuk. Visit Rongbuk Monastery and enjoy view of Everest & Drive back to Shegar.

Hotel Shegar(BB)


Drive to Shigatse. Visit Tashilumpho Monastery

Hotel Gessar (BB)


Drive to Lhasa via northern route

Hotel (BB)


Drive to airport for Flight to Kathmandu



Detail Itinerary:


Day 01: Fly to Gongkar Airport & drive to Lhasa (3600m/11811ft) 65 km, 1hr:

Your Tibetan guide will be waiting to welcome you at Gongkar Airport. After immigration formalities, you will drive for around 45 minutes to reach the old city, Lhasa (3660 meters). After checking in at your hotel, you are advised to take rest, drink plenty of fluids and most importantly let your body get used to Lhasa’s high altitude. During afternoon you can go around the hotel area for light walk and sightseeing. O/N at Hotel in Lhasa (BB)


Day 02: Sightseeing Tour of Drepung Monastery, Jokhang Temple and Barkhor Market:

After breakfast you will be briefed about the day’s program. Then your guide will take you to Drepung monastery, Jokhang Temple and Barkhor Market respectively.

Drepung Monastery: This Monastery is 8 km west of Lhasa. One of the three great Gelukpa Monasteries near Lhasa, the other two being Sera and Ganden. Until the occupation it served like its two sister monasteries as centre for learning and monastic training to which monks from all over Tibet would come to spend as long as 15 years methodically studying and debating the meaning of the Buddhist scriptures. For centuries it existed as a small monastic township housing thousands of fully ordained monks and other functionaries. It was founded in 1416 by Jam yang Chöje Tahsi Palden, a disciple of Tsong Khapa.

Jokhang Temple: Jokhang a seventh-century geomantic temple at the heart of Lhasa is the most sacred temple of all Tibet. It is considered to be a Power Place in all Tibet. Queen Bhrikuti, a Nepalese princess married to King Songtsen Gampo founded Jokhang Temple and in recognition of Queen Bhrikuti the main gate of the temple faces west towards Nepal.  The most impressive structure of the Jokhang Temple is the many chapels surrounding the temple.

Barkhor Market (Bazar): The most popular Barkhor Market (Bazaar) is a square where Tibetan handicraft items, Buddhist artifacts, carpets, paintings etc. are all in sale for your delight. At the end of the day your guide will escort you back to your hotel. Lhasa offers variety of Restaurant for both Lunch and Dinners.

After detail visit you will drive to hotel. O/N at Hotel in Lhasa (BB)


Day 03: Sightseeing Tour of Potala palace & Sera Monastery:

After breakfast your guide will take you on a tour to majestic Potala palace & Sera Monastery respectively.

Potala Palace: This Palace is also known as the “winter palace”. The imposing structure of the palace dominates the landscape of Lhasa. is a 13th storied complex monument rising to a height of above 117m which houses 10,000 shrines and over 200,000 images and about 1000 rooms.As you are guided through the ancient chambers of the palace, you get to see Tibetan art at its best. The Potala Palace has a vast array of intricate Tibetan murals and beautiful statues. You will also get to view the tombs of the eight Dalai Lamas.

Sera Monastery: This monastery is approx. 5km drive away from Lhasa. Sera Monastery was founded in 1419. It sits in the prettiest and most charming atmosphere at the base of Mount Purbuchok. Sera Monastery used to be an important center for learning where in the past approx. 5,000 to 6,000 monks resided. Currently about 550 monks are supposed to be living there. The important structures inside the monastery include Coqen Hall, (the main assembly hall), three Zhacangs (Buddhist colleges) and twenty-nine Khangtsens (monk dormitories).The most intriguing feature here is the nine-meter image of Maitraya which was erected in 1419; here one can also witness the practicing of debate among the monks, who pitch their knowledge against each other.

After detail visit you will drive to hotel. O/N at Hotel in Lhasa (BB)

Note: Since only a limited number of visitors are allowed inside the Potala palace every day, the order of sightseeing places will be decided upon by your guide.


Day 04: Drive to Shigatse (3,900m/12795ft) via Gyantse (3950m /12956ft) 360km, 5 hrs:

Leaving Lhasa and a drive of 360km, taking about 5 hours including break for lunch at one of the villages’ en-route. We will drive over two spectacular high passes – the Kampa La at 4750m and Karo La at 5010m, over, and along the beautiful deep blue green Lake called Yamdrok Lake or Turquoise Lake. The landscape of the Tibetan Plateau is truly unusual and spectacular.  We will arrive in Gyantse an old Tibetan Town against a backdrop of magnificent 14th-15th century fortresses and temples.  Here we will visit Pelkhor Chode Temple & Khumbum respectively.

Pelkor Chöde:Work started on the monastery by Rabten Kunzang in 1418 under spiritual guidance of Tsongkhapa’s disciple Khedrup Je, and was completed seven years later in 1425. Remarkably preserved, many statues and paintings inside date back to the time of its founding. Although the shrines are predominantly Shakya, it was traditionally unaffiliated and used as common assembly place. Today it is looked after by the Gelukpas.

Kumbum: Rabten Kunzang in July 1427 embarked on his most ambitious project – the construction of the  Kumbum (or Tashi Gomang Chöten), which was probably completed in 1439. the gilded copper roofing and the final consecration ceremonies, however not completed until 1474. the term Kumbum means having 100,000 images and refers to a particular style of stupa construction in which chapels are housed in ascending symmetrical stories.

Further we will drive for about an hour and we will reach the 2nd Largest city of Tibet – Shigatse. O/N at Hotel in Shigatse (BB)


Day 05: Drive to Old Tingri(4300m/14108ft), 360km, 6  hrs:

After breakfast you will be driving to Old Tingri via Yulung la(4950m) & Gyatso la(5220m) pass for about 6 hrs. O/N at hotel in Old Tingri (BB).


Day 06: Drive to Kharta Village Camp 140km, 5 hrs:

Today after breakfast in the morning, take a scenic drive to Kharta valley. Drive five hours to Kharta, enjoying beautiful views from the Pang La (17000) towards Makalu, Lhotse, Everest and Shisapangma (if weather is clear). Drive down the Dzakaa Chu and then the Phung Chu valley toward Kharta. We’ll make camp past the boarding school on the banks of the Kharta Tsangpo River, the headwaters of Nepal’s Arun River. O/N at Camping (AP)


Day 07: Trek to meadow camp (4160m/13,645ft):

Today we begin our first day of trekking after a hearty breakfast and start walking on a jeep trail along the banks of the Kharta River. At the end of the jeep road we cross a bridge and follow a winding trail above small, scattered villages set amid barley fields. Coming to a fork in the trail we take the smaller left trail towards Shao La, which gives us a more gradual climb in elevation than the fast ascent to Langma La. Both trails lead eventually to the Kangshung Face Base Camp. Tonight we camp in a meadow (4160m) above the Dambuk Chu (river valley) which drains from the Shao La. O/N at Camping (AP)


Day 08: Trek to Kaamo Tsangpo valley via Shao La (4000m/13,120)

We make an early start to ascend the Shao La (4790m) past a pair of lakes called the Tsho-Shao and up to the pass to gain incredible views of Everest (8848m), Makalu (8475m) and Lhotse (8501m). From the pass there is a steady descent to some yak pastures and a set of four stunning lakes, before some steep, rocky switchbacks. Reaching better terrain we then wind downwards through rather idyllic birch groves and dwarf rhododendrons to our meadow camp (4000m). It takes us about 3 hours to reach our lovely campsite, set in pine and fir forest just above the Kaamo Tsangpo Valley. This comparatively lush vegetation reflects the monsoon influence and summer rains that surge up the nearby Arun Valley throughout the summer months. O/N at Camping (AP)


Day 09: Trek Kaamo Tsangpo Valley – Shalung Tsho (4420m/14,498ft):

After breakfast this morning we have a bit of a heart starter as we climb from the Karma Tsangpo Valley floor through surprisingly lush juniper, birch and rhododendron forest. This is stunning walking as we pass through meadows and then dwarf rhododendron, keeping a look out for views of Mt Everest and Lhotse at the head of the valley. Our trail crosses alpine ridges where yak herders’ from Kharta village make their summer camps. We pass through a series of these meadows and past two beautiful lakes before setting camp in a meadow (4420m) and ascending a ridge and seeing our first uninterrupted views of the Kangshung Face of Everest, flanked by Lhotse. O/N at Camping (AP)


Day 10: Trek to Pethang Ringmo (4820m/15810ft):

About half an hour from our campsite we gain our first views of Lhotse Shar (8383m) and views of this immense glaciated landscape that is the headwaters of the Karma Tsangpo. After about an hour we meet the trail from Langma La and our trail plunges down onto the valley floor at Rabka Chu. We continue up the Kangshung Valley, entering thick forest where the rhododendrons grow up to 6m high, enormous for this altitude. We then cross a series of morainal hills to the meadows of Bathang, above which is a sacred lake and cave temple where Guru Rimpoche was said to have meditated. We continue up this stunning valley into the afternoon to reach Pethang Ringmo. This is a truly stunning camp, set in a meadow which is full of wildflowers in the monsoon and ringed by huge ice flows pouring from the peaks into the Kangshung Glacier. Mt Everest, Lhotse and Lhotse Shar are with us at the west end of the valley; while Jomolonzo’s frequent avalanches give us plenty of exposure to the power of the ice. O/N at Camping (AP)


Day 11: Trek Pethang Ringmo – Kangshung Everest base Camp (5090m/ 16,695ft):

From our lovely camp at Pethang Ringmo we head out across the meadow to Kangshung Everest Base Camp, where we will camp for the night. It is a walk of only 2 ½ to 3 hours up to camp, so in the afternoon we can either relax or explore to the west of the camp, following the crest of a long moraine for about 45 minutes to its end at 5200m. Below us is a large glacial lake and across the valley we have one of the finest views in the Himalaya, with three of the world’s highest peaks in clear view. If we have enough energy we can climb another 2 hours to the crest of the main ridge for even more incredible views. O/N at Camping (AP)


Day 12: Trek to the base of Langma La (4800m/15,744ft):

After another hearty breakfast we follow the trail from Pethang Ringmo back down the valley to Rabka Chu, 2 hours or so below camp. From here we begin a big climb back up to where we came down from Shao La and our turn off north towards the Langma La. We continue on through the afternoon with great views of Makalu summit to our camp at the base of the Langma La, to get ready for our last big pass of the trip. O/N at Camping (AP)


Day 13: Trek Langma La – Shomale (4160m/13,645ft):

After breakfast in the early morning we head up to cross the Langma La pass. While crossing the Langma La should only take us about 2 hours, we will leave early this morning as a precaution. From our camp we climb past a stunning glacial lake, with more great views of the world’s highest mountains to the top of the pass at 5320m. From here we have a truly spectacular view, seeing Everest, Lhotse, and Makalu – the highest, 4th highest, and 5th highest mountains in the world respectively! From here we have a steep descent to the valley floor, which opens up as we pass yak herders’ camps from Kharta and the nearby villages. Heading down to where we join the Kharta Valley we have views of the stunning Kangchenjunga massif rearing above the ridges beyond Kharta on the Nepal- Sikkim Border. This is a special sight, with Kanchenjunga being the 4th highest mountain in the world and one of the most beautiful. We plunge down into the Kharta Tsangpo Valley, through the wild rocky terrain below the pass, past stunning Tsho Dramnyen, shaped like a Tibetan guitar, where we may see Blue Poppies. We continue coming into the first rhododendrons, meadows and juniper, into our delightful camp at Shomale (4160m). O/N at Camping (AP)


Day 14: Trek to Kharta:

We continue along our trail down into Lungdrubling, above the Kharta Tsangpo. We head downwards through terraced barley fields, stands of wild rose and stone fences, following the river valley back down into Kharta. We make camp here for the night, and prepare to drive to Rongbuk in the morning. O/N at Camping (AP)


Day 15: Drive to Rongbuk/Everest Base Camp [5020m/16,466ft), 150km, 5 hrs:

From Kharta we load into jeeps and drive to the village of Phadhruchi before continuing onto the Rongbuk Valley reaching the Dza Rongbuk Monastery and the Rongbuk Everest Base Camp. Dza Rongbuk Gompa and its accompanying hermitage retreats were introduced to the world in the 1920s through the accounts of the first British mountaineering teams. It is situated 8 kilometres below the Base Camp and was reconstructed after the excesses of the Cultural Revolution in the 1960's. We continue up to Everest Base Camp at 5020m where we camp for the night. O/N at guest house in Rongbuk (BB)


Day 16: Explore Everest Base Camp and drive to Shegar(4200m/13776ft) 100km, 2hr:

Today we have the opportunity to explore Everest Base Camp, which is actually quite dry and barren, but the views of Mt Everest more than compensate for this. It is a truly awe-inspiring place with the sheer north face of the highest mountain in the world towering above us. Nowhere is the view of Mt Everest as spectacular as it is from right here.
 We leave the Rongbuk Valley, taking our last long look at the awe inspiring view it has offered us for the last few days. We have a short drive towards Shegar, crossing the Pang La, a 5150m pass set back away from the main Himalayan Range. The view from the top is stupendous (weather permitting) with uninterrupted views stretching from Makalu to Shishapangma. O/N at hotel in Shegar (BB)


Day 17: Drive Shigatse, visit Tashilumpho Monastery. 260 km, 5 hrs:

After breakfast you will drive to Shigatse and your drive will be about 5hrs. We will travel along the Friendship Highway amidst picturesque landscape driving for approx 5 hrs. past small town of Lhatse. You will be crossing one of the highest Gyatso la pass (5220m) of the tour.Here in Shigatse, you will be visiting Tashilumphu Monastery. This monastery is one of the largest functioning monasteries in Tibet and there is much to explore within its high surrounding walls. There are about 39 amazing chapels inside including the huge Maitreya Chapel coated with gold; its workmanship certainly impresses everyone.After detailed visit of Shigatse, we will visit the local markets for shopping and local sightseeing. O/N at Hotel in Shigatse (BB)

Day 18: Drive to Lhasa via Northern route 290km, 5 hrs:

After breakfast you will drive to Lhasa via northern route and you will be driving for about 5 hrs.


Day 19: Tour Concludes (3600m/11811ft) 65 km, 1hr:

After breakfast, your guide will give you a final departure transfer for your next destination.  Tour Concludes.
